You are worthy, always

you are worthy1Be confused,

It is where you begin to learn new things.

Be broken,

It is where you begin to heal.

Be frustrated,

It is where you start to make authentic decisions.

Be sad,

Because if we are brave enough we can hear our heart’s wisdom through it.

Be whatever you are right now,

You are worthy, always.


Degerlisiniz her zaman

Kafaniz karisik ve saskin olabilsin ki yepyeni seyler ogrenmeye baslayabilesiniz.

Kirgin olun ki onarilabilmeye baslayin

Hayal kirikliklariniz olsun ki, ozgun kararlar vermeye baslayabilesiniz.

Uzgun olun, cunku eger yeterince cesaret edebilirsek, uzuntumuzce kendi yuregimizin bilgeligini duyabilirsiniz.

Tam su anda ne durumda olursaniz olun, bilin ki degerlisiniz hem de her zaman